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It’s fucking ridiculous that me, a 15 year old teenage girl, have to constantly coming up with an emergency plan on how to escape or survive a school shooting. What’s even MORE ridiculous is that my FOUR-YEAR-OLD little brother, WHO IS IN PRE-K, has to practice these stupid drills. These active-sho0ter drills, false fire drills (when the sho0ter pulls the fire alarm to get everyone to come out and sho0t them all, so they now are staying in classrooms until informed to go outside) The other day, my brother’s school, AN ELEMENTARY school got a sho0ter threat. My brother was at school that day and when I found out I almost DIED. It’s so stupid that there can be CHILDREN with G*NS. It’s honestly so stupid that they are allowing this. I understand the second amendment, “The right to bear arms” but for ADULTS with LICENSES. Not for children. And the main cause of this is bullying, because children are cruel and some people have issues and although they are completely at fault, the bullies should have some repercussions. But back on topic, it sounds stupid, but if I had to choose between literal children under the age of 10 getting m*rdered or teenagers getting m*rdered, I would choose a sho0ter sho0ting me than a sho0ter sho0ting my little brother. And it’s stupid that there even is a choice to make. That the thought of a school, a safe place, a place of education, a governemnt established place, has to be sh0t up by psychopaths that were given g*ns. Practically HANDED to them. Also, sorry for not posting much, my mind has been occupied with these things.